HTML Table Generator & Builder

HTML Table Generator & Builder, HTML Table Tags & Attributes. Merge Table with Rowspan and Colspan

You can select the table cells by dragging.

Please enter the characters.

Please enter the name of the class.

× It is not possible to merge <td> and <th>.

× It is not possible to re-merge the merged cells. Please split them.

× Please enter a number.

× Please enter a natural number (1,2,3...).

× Please select the cells to be operated by dragging.



HTML table generator & builder will help you to generate HTML table tags and attributes without writing the HTML code. Also, you can merge and split the table row, column or any cell. Furthermore, you can write the characters inside the table cells and add the class of the table very easily. The whole process is very fast and accurate. It's developed by very experienced coder John Patel.

HTML table generator & Builder, generate HTML tags, Generate HTML code onine

How To Use HTML Table Generator/Builder

  1. First of all, choose the size of the table. It means to choose the number of rows and columns. As a result, you can see the HTML table is generated automatically with HTML table cells. Even more, the HTML table tags and attributes (like tr,td) are automatically generated inside the HTML box.
  2. "td ↔ th" button will help you to create element instead of td or vice versa. Just drag the cells and click on the button td ↔ th
  3. If you want to merge two cells horizontally or vertically then click on the "Merge" button. It will merge all the selected cells which you have selected. As a result, you don't need to write rowspan or colspan values inside the code.
  4. Another best thing is you can undo the merge cells by the "Split" button. Just drag and drop the cells which you want to join and click split. Also, rowspan and colspan adjust itself with the right manner inside the HTML cell.
  5. If you want to write characters inside the table cells, just click on "Characters". When you click on "Characters", the table cells will be converted into an input box. Then you can easily write something inside the text box.
  6. "Class" button will help you to add a class for CSS. When you click on it then it will ask for the class attribute. You can add the table class and give it to CSS for a better design.
  7. The best thing about this tool is "Undo" and "Redo" buttons. You can undo or redo your changes anytime.
  8. At last, you can copy the HTML table tags inside the HTML box and paste it to your website.

Programming language used to create HTML table tags

We have used mainly HTML and CSS to design the tool. Other functionalities are handled by the JavaScript and jQuery languages. Like drag and drop, table tag generation, merge, split, undo, redo, characters writing and class adds.