HTML Minify / Minifier or Compress HTML Online Tool

HTML minify is the best free online tool to compress HTML code Online. HTML minifier is made by javascript and jquery programming languages. Therefore, it returns a very fast and accurate output. You don't have to wait for a page reload.

Even more, It shows the number of characters and the total lines of code before and after minify the code.

Total Characters: [0] and Total Lines: [1]

HTML Minify / Minifier or Compress HTML Online by JPTools

HTML Minify / Minifier or Compress HTML Online Tool

This tool is one type of program which helps web developers to compress or reduce HTML code. It will give you the best results with reducing HTML file size. Tool removes white spaces, repeated lines and unnecessary tabs in HTML code.

How to use this Compress HTML tool?

Our aim is to provide the best service, easy interface and fast output. This best free top online compress HTML tool can help you to minimize HTML code easily. Don't need any programming skills and expertise.

Now, let's talk about how this tool works. Actually, there is an extra ordinary algorithm is behind this tool. This also analyzes the submitted code and smoothly minimize the code. Also, it removes unnecessary spaces and comments.

You just need to copy your HTML code and paste it inside the text area that is provided at the top of the page. At last, just click the "Minify HTML" button. Our tool will start to process your given code and as a result, you will get the HTML compressed instantly.

Why should you use our HTML Minifier tool?

Nowadays many tools are available on the internet to help you minify HTML code. But, among them, our tool is special, reliable, simple and user-friendly. Any unprofessional can easily work on this tool and get the output as he/she wants.

Even more, HTML minifier can cut down your HTML file size and it will increase your page rank because of increased webpage loading speed.

Why should you minify your HTML code?

If you want to speed up your website loading speed, then you must use HTML Minify Tool.

  • Small HTML file means server need fewer data to load and website load very faster.
  • Also, your code will become copy protected. End-user can't find the exact code of the website.
  • It removes your all unnecessary code and spaces.

Which programming languages we have used to make this awesome tool?

The maximum part of the algorithm is in jquery. At some places, we have used javascript to make the user-friendly interface and speed up the output. And evergreen HTML5/CSS3 and bootstrap is made our tool eye-catching and easy to use.

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