Username and Password both these have become the most vulnerable things. Recently some Cybersecurity officers revealed that attacks are happening with the help of usernames. A unique and secure username can increase your protection level. So, we will help you to create a secure username using our Random Username Generator. We perfectly understand the needs. Then using the mechanism we provide you the most secure username. Our Random Letter Generator is free and easy to use.
SYMBOLS [ @#$%.. ]
NUMBERS [ 0-9 ]
EXCLUDE [ {}[]()/\'"`~,;:.<> ]
Your Username
Random Username Generator - Maker Online Security Tool

If you believe that only passwords should be made hard to guess. Then break this illusion now. A hard username adds an extra security layer to your account. For protecting your confidential information from breaching online follow these steps:
1. Don’t use same username everywhere
This mistake is very common for us. We simply use our same usernames on different platforms. We strictly don’t recommend it as it can be a concern. So consequently we should create a unique username every time we sign up in different places. As a result, the probability of getting hacked will decrease. Random letter generator ensures that no two usernames ever match exactly. This is the reason why we have so much trust in our tool. Email usernames can be made easy but usernames for bank accounts need special care.
2. Don’t use easily guessable usernames
You may know that a strong password consists of both uppercase and lowercase, numbers and symbols. Likewise, a strong username should also have these things in it. Use a username which is not likely guessable. Just as we told above those usernames of emails should be guessable and easy to spell. On the other hand, make sure that usernames of a bank account or any other important thing should be highly strong.
As per creating the best-secured username our random usernames will not let you down. Username which is easy to remember but hard to guess.
How to use the Random Letter Generator?
A random username generator runs an algorithm which randomly generates letters, numbers or symbols. Deciding upon what length of username we want we get the random username. The program returns a string which has all randomly generated characters. Our random letter generator gives you an opportunity to tweak the settings for creating the username.
First of all, open the website through your Internet Browser. Then choose the length of the username and different options available. As you tweak the setting the username will be generated. Now you can easily copy it.